Real - Java floating point library for MIDP devices

Current version: 1.13
Copyright: 2003-2009 Roar Lauritzsen, roarl at
Availability: The library is available under the GPL license, or for a fee for commercial use.
Develop: See
Feedback: Comments, reports of use, bug reports, bug fixes, improvements, performance tests and comparisons to similar libraries are all welcome.
Javadoc: Read the full documentation here.

"" is a self-contained, single file Java floating point emulation library for MIDP devices, such as a Java-enabled cell-phone or PDA. The MIDP/CLDC 1.0 standard does not support the basic floating point types "float" or "double", so when I set out to program a scientific calculator for my cell-phone, I had to reinvent floating point arithmetic from scratch, using only integer basic types. I found it a very interesting and educating challenge.


For a pure java version, use the following link:
This file is produced from the file using the C preprocessor like this:
   cpp -C -P -DDO_INLINE -DPACKAGE=ral -o Real.jpp
If you want more human-readable, but about 30% slower java code *), don't define the DO_INLINE macro when preprocessing. The size of the executable code won't change noticeably.

*) Most MIDP devices don't do just-in-time inlining, so this has to be done by the use of preprocessor macros.


Speed comparison

The speed comparisons were performed on a SonyEricsson T610. Other, possibly contradictory results may be found using other hardware.

38 times faster than William Rossi's rossi.dfp.dfp (dfp accuracy set to a comparable 20 decimal digits).
13 times faster than Nick Henson's henson.midp.Float (additionally, Real is about twice as accurate in mul/div).

Runtime comparisons using henson.midp.FloatTest on Sony Ericsson T610 (R3C)
Librarysin, ms
100 times
cos, ms
100 times
tan, ms
100 times
add, ms
10000 times
mul, ms
10000 times
div, ms
10000 times
sqrt, ms
1000 times
avg. relative
Real4254208553110292048201660« 1.0 »
Real 1.08720645140031452940475027351.4
Real 1.06147512602915300034752496033002.7

Sample program

public class Sample
  // Print out 2*PI in hexadecimal form

  public static void main(String [] args)
    Real a = new Real("0.5");
    Real b = new Real();
    a.gamma();     // We all know that gamma(0.5) == sqrt(pi)

    Real.NumberFormat format = new Real.NumberFormat();
    format.base = 16;

Optimization tips

To maintain numbers in a normalized state and to preserve the integrity of abnormal numbers, it is discouraged to modify the inner representation of a Real directly. However, a number of tricks can be performed with the functions that are already present.

For maximum performance, keep the following tips in mind while programming:

Class interface summary

All functions are declared void unless the return type is specified
Public fields:
  long mantissa
  int exponent
  byte sign

  Real()                                 <==  0
  Real(Real)                             <==  Real
  Real(int)                              <==  int
  Real(long)                             <==  long
  Real(String)                           <==  "-1.234e56"
  Real(String, int base)                 <==  "-1.234e56" / "/FFF3.2e-10"
  Real(int s, int e, long m)             <==  (-1)**s * 2**(e-62) * m
  Real(byte[] data, int offset)          <==  data[offset][offset+11]
  assign(String, int base)
  assign(int s, int e, long m)
  assign(byte[] data, int offset)
  assignFloatBits(int)                   <==  IEEE754 32-bits float format
  assignDoubleBits(long)                 <==  IEEE754 64-bits double format

  String toString()                      ==>  "-1.234e56"
  String toString(int base)              ==>  "-1.234e56" / "03.FEe56"
  String toString(NumberFormat)          ==>  e.g. "-1'234'567,8900"
  int  toInteger()                       ==>  int
  long toLong()                          ==>  long
  void toBytes(byte[] data, int offset)  ==>  data[offset][offset+11]
  int  toFloatBits()                     ==>  IEEE754 32-bits float format
  long toDoubleBits()                    ==>  IEEE754 64-bits double format

(Error bounds are calculated using William Rossi's rossi.dfp.dfp at
40 decimal digits accuracy. Error bounds may increase when results
approach zero or infinity. ULP = Unit in the Last Place. Error
bound of ½ ULP means that the result is correctly rounded. Relative
execution time is the average from running on SE T610 (R3C), K700i,
and Nokia 6230i)

                                              Approx error  Execution time
                       "Explanation"          bound (ULPs)  (rel. to add)
Binary operators:
  x.add(Real y)       : x+=y                       ½         ««« 1.0 »»»
  sub(Real)           : x-=y                       ½             2.0
  mul(Real)           : x*=y                       ½             1.3
  div(Real)           : x/=y                       ½             2.6
  rdiv(Real)          : x=y/x                      ½             3.1
  mod(Real)           : x=x-y*floor(x/y)           0              27
  divf(Real)          : x=floor(x/y)               0              22
  and(Real)           : x&=y                       0             1.5
  or(Real)            : x|=y                       0             1.6
  xor(Real)           : x^=y                       0             1.5
  bic(Real)           : x&=~y                      0             1.5
  swap(Real)          : tmp=x, x=y, y=tmp          0             0.5

  x.abs()             : x=|x|                      0             0.2
  neg()               : x=-x                       0             0.2
  sqr()               : x=x*x                      ½             1.1
  recip()             : x=1/x                      ½             2.3
  sqrt()              : (square root)              1              19
  rsqrt()             : x=1/sqrt(x)                1              21
  cbrt()              : (cube root)                2              32
  exp()               : x=e**x                     1              31
  exp2()              : x=2**x                     1              27
  exp10()             : x=10**x                    1              31
  ln()                                             2              51
  log2()                                           1              51
  log10()                                          2              53
  sin()                                            1              28
  cos()                                            1              37
  tan()                                            2              70
  asin()                                           3              68
  acos()                                           2              67
  atan()                                           2              37
  sinh()                                           2              67
  cosh()                                           2              66
  tanh()                                           2              70
  asinh()                                          2              77
  acosh()                                          2              75
  atanh()                                          2              57
  fact()              : x=x!                      15           8-190
  gamma()             : x=(x-1)!                 100+            190
  erfc()              : (compl error func)     2**19         80-4900
  inverfc()           : (inverse erfc)         2**19        240-5100
  toDHMS()            : H -> yyyymmddHH.MMSS       ?              19
  fromDHMS()          : yyyymmddHH.MMSS -> H       ?              19
  time()              : x=HH.MMSS                  0             8.9
  date()              : x=yyyymmdd00               0              30
  random()            : random number [0,1)        -              81

Binary functions:
  hypot(Real)         : x=sqrt(x*x+y*y)            1              24
  y.atan2(Real x)     : y=atan(y/x)   (-pi,pi]     2              48
  pow(Real)           : x**=y                      2             110
  pow(int)            : x**=y                      ½              84
  nroot(Real)         : x**=1/y                    2             110

Integral values:
  floor()                                          0             0.5
  ceil()                                           0             1.8
  round()                                          0             1.3
  trunc()                                          0             1.2
  frac()                                           0             1.2

Utility functions:
  copysign(Real)      : x=|x|*y/|y|                0             0.2
  nextafter(Real)     : x+=(y-x)*epsilon           0             0.8
  scalbn(int)         : x<<=y                      0             0.3
  normalize()         : readjust mantissa          ½             0.7
  lowPow10()                                       0             3.6

Make special values:
  makeZero()                                       0             0.2
  makeZero(int sign)                               0             0.2
  makeInfinity(int sign)                           0             0.3
  makeNan()                                        0             0.3

  boolean equalTo(Real)      : x==y                              1.0
  boolean notEqualTo(Real)   : x!=y                              1.0
  boolean lessThan(Real)     : x<y                               1.0
  boolean lessEqual(Real)    : x<=y                              1.0
  boolean greaterThan(Real)  : x>y                               1.0
  boolean greaterEqual(Real) : x>=y                              1.0
  boolean absLessThan(Real)  : |x|<|y|                           0.5

Query state:
  boolean isZero()                                               0.3
  boolean isInfinity()                                           0.3
  boolean isNan()                                                0.3
  boolean isFinite()                                             0.3
  boolean isFiniteNonZero()                                      0.3
  boolean isNegative()                                           0.3
  boolean isIntegral()                                           0.6
  boolean isOdd()                                                0.6

Overloaded methods, integer arguments:
  add(int)                                         ½             1.8
  sub(int)                                         ½             2.4
  mul(int)                                         ½             1.3
  div(int)                                         ½             3.4
  rdiv(int)                                        ½             3.9
  boolean equalTo(int)                                           1.7
  boolean notEqualTo(int)                                        1.7
  boolean lessThan(int)                                          1.7
  boolean lessEqual(int)                                         1.7
  boolean greaterThan(int)                                       1.7
  boolean greaterEqual(int)                                      1.7

Extended precision methods with 128-bit mantissa:
  add128                                      2**-62             2.0
  mul128                                      2**-60             3.1
  recip128                                    2**-60              17
  normalize128                                2**-64             0.7
  roundFrom128                                     ½             1.0

Other methods:
  assign(Real)                                     0             0.3
  assign(int)                                      0             0.6
  assign(long)                                     0             1.0
  assign(String, 2)                                0              54
  assign(String, 8)                                0              60
  assign(String, 10)                             ½-1             100
  assign(String, 16)                               0              60
  assign(int s, int e, long m)                     0             0.3
  assign(byte[] data, int offset)                  0             1.2
  assignFloatBits(int)                             0             0.6
  assignDoubleBits(long)                           0             0.6
  int  toInteger()                                               0.6
  long toLong()                                                  0.5
  String toString(2)                                             100
  String toString(8)                                             110
  String toString(10)                                            150
  String toString(16)                                            120
  void toBytes(byte[] data, int offset)                          1.2
  int  toFloatBits()                                             0.7
  long toDoubleBits()                                            0.7

  ZERO     = 0
  ONE      = 1
  TWO      = 2
  THREE    = 3
  FIVE     = 5
  TEN      = 10
  HUNDRED  = 100
  HALF     = 1/2
  THIRD    = 1/3
  TENTH    = 1/10
  PERCENT  = 1/100
  SQRT2    = sqrt(2)
  SQRT1_2  = sqrt(1/2)
  PI2      = pi*2
  PI       = pi
  PI_2     = pi/2
  PI_4     = pi/4
  PI_8     = pi/8
  E        = e
  LN2      = ln(2)
  LN10     = ln(10)
  LOG2E    = log2(e)  = 1/ln(2)
  LOG10E   = log10(e) = 1/ln(10)
  MAX      = max non-infinite positive number = 4.197e323228496
  MIN      = min non-zero positive number     = 2.383e-323228497
  NAN      = not a number
  INF      = infinity
  INF_N    = -infinity
  ZERO_N   = -0
  ONE_N    = -1